Product: ID3123 / EAN: 7610621244177

Studer's - Swiss Highland Old Tom Gin (70cl)

From the fascinating Entlebuch in Switzerland comes the lightly sweetened Old Tom Gin from the traditional distillery Studer

Alcohol content: 44.4%

Country of origin: Switzerland

Region: Escholzmatt (LU)

Details: flavoured with juniper, lemongrass, ginger, lavender and blackberries

Tasting notes: dominant aromas of juniper, blackberries and citrus

67.70 CHF
VAT included
Shipping: 1-2 workdays

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Studer's - Swiss Highland Old Tom Gin (70cl)

Distillerie Studer - the traditional family business

The distillery Studer from Escholzmatt has been in existence since 1883 and is still run as a family business today. The credo of the traditional company is: Distilling is handwork. Each distillate is still brewed by hand - unadulterated and close, completely in keeping with its nature. Whether cherries, pears, plums, apples or even juniper, time and fruit are processed in the Entlebuch. The master blends herbs and burns the "spirit in the bottle".

By on  09 Mar 2022 :
Products from Studer

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Service is service and schnapps is schnapps - a truism that is never wrong to follow. But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't treat yourself to something, something high-proof. Anyone who has eaten lavishly is rightly looking forward to a digestif that makes it easier to digest the food. Even after a long autumn walk or a wintry round in the snow, a delicious spirit is not to be despised, just like after a summer barbecue with friends or family. And if you buy spirits from Studer at Kitchencorner, your Swiss online shop for delicacies, then enjoying a schnapps or liqueur becomes pure enjoyment.

Studer spirits - delicious and simply something special

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