drinks & alcohol
Buy drinks & alcohol at Kitchencorner
A menu is only as good as the drinks you serve with it. What use is the juiciest steak if it is not flanked by a good red wine? A nice risotto or fish dish without the right white wine is also only worth half. The choice of drinks often begins before the meal, namely with a good aperitif, and if you have guests, you should not only be able to offer a coffee at the end of the menu, but also a digestif. If you buy drinks & alcohol at Kitchencorner, your Swiss online shop for delicacies, you can cover the entire range of drinks - not just with drinks that go well with your meal.
Drinks & alcohol and much more
You will of course also find liquid products without alcohol on these pages, for example different types of tea, water with a refined extra taste, as well as fruit and vegetable drinks in several flavors. If you like to enjoy excellent coffee, you will also find it in this section. Bitter, tonic, lemon, ginger beer and Co. ideally round off our wide range. And if you are looking for energy drinks that give you maximum strength and freshness while exercising, then you will also find these drinks with us. Click your way through the selection and click on the images for detailed information on the individual drinks. You can also find great bargains and interesting offers at our partner shop, the Kanela online pharmacy. Have a look.